time flies

shirt: urban outfitters, shorts: vince, shoes: urban outfitters, hat: zara, bag from India, bracelet: bcbgeneration

I can't believe it, but an entire year has passed since I started this blog. When I first began, I wasn't really into posting regularly or talking to other bloggers-- but oh how times have changed. Amongst other things, this blog has helped me improve my photography, my writing (although it may not seem like it...), and my confidence. Rather than spewing a ton of sentimental crap out, I'll just leave you with a sweet and short thank you for reading!

Since my first outfit post last year was in Battery Park, facing the river, I figured it was only appropriate that this outfit is from the other side of the Hudson. The Jersey side. Woot woot. Even if I live in LA for more than 3/4 of the year, I will always be a true Jersey girl #Jerseyproud. The down side to being out in the open by the river is the lack of shade. I haven't gotten the hang of shooting self portraits in direct sunlight, since I never bother trying in the first place, so the selfies were a bit of a struggle. Despite the fact that the bright sun didn't make for optimal photo taking conditions, it was the perfect day for a day at the park with the fam.

Sharmili Rmy style, outfit