Weekend Edit | Material Girl

At first today's post was going to be skincare heavy, but that's been pushed to Sunday/ Monday because I'm in the mood for a lazy day post. I haven't done a weekend edit in a while so here are 7 (mostly material) things currently on my mind this weekend!

1. Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Sukari Baby Facial
This was featured in my "On My Radar | Spring '17 Beauty Releases" post the other week and in the post I said I was gonna buy it... but I haven't (yet.) Everyone on Instagram has been raving about this product, giving me some major FOMO. I'm trying to hold off on purchasing it by telling myself I STILL haven't used the other Drunk Elephant product I bought back in November.

Between PR and new releases, my skincare testing schedule is overwhelmed. I wanna try all the shit, but also fear the inevitable freak out from my skin if I introduce too many things too fast. On top of that, I don't really see the point in blogging about most skin care products if I've only used it a handful of times.

But back to the topic on hand-- I wanna know, have you tried the baby facial out? Do you wanna try it out? Have you read any reviews on it yet? Gimme all the deets, please!

2. Diptyque 'Rosa mundi' Candle
A year or two ago I was aghast at people spending over 30 bucks a pop on a single candle, but now I'm one of those people πŸ™ˆ. It all started when I was at the mall and I happened to stop at the Space.nk  counter to re-stock on something I can't remember at the moment. Thanks to my need for some retail therapy (it was inauguration day 😭), the beautifully packaged 'Rosa mundi' collection, and a genuinely friendly sales girl, I ended up going home with my first diptyque purchase ever.

I had a bit of buyer's remorse at first, but now I'm totally over it! Not only is the candle beautiful to look at, but I've fallen in love with the scent. It's a very strong rose smell that seems to linger 5ever (aka even more than 4ever.)
photo source: the beautylookbook

3. Capture Your Style aka Song of Style's Book
I mentioned this book in the previous post and I finally placed my Amazon order for it last night! Aimee used to be one of my favorite bloggers (and one of the bloggers who inspired me to start blogging) but I stopped following her blog a few years ago after it became too unrelatable to me. Buuut her book looks really promising and seems to be a sort of blogger guidebook according to some πŸ˜‰. I can't wait to get my hands on it!
photo source: song of style

4. Zara Embroidered Detail Ankle Boots
I dedicated a post to embroidered boots a few months ago and even went ahead and ordered a Topshop pair I featured in the post. Unfortunately they were very uncomfortable and back to the store they went. Then I got swept up in the world of beauty blogging and embroidered boots sort of fell of my radar.

But while browsing the new spring releases on the Zara, my eyes immediately went to these embroidered boots! Thus my love for the trend is back.

5. The Young Pope
I don't understand this show... yet I keep watching it. I couldn't even tell you if I truly like it or not because it confuses me so much. I've been watching it with my mom and the both of us are just so confused. Is anyone else on the same boat?

The one thing I can say for sure is I love the show's soundtrack.

6. Herbivore Botanicals Blue Tansy Mask
Herbivore Botanicals has been on my "to try" list for months. I'm pumped to have finally get my hands on one of their products. Last weekend they had a promotion where 30% of their proceeds were going towards the ACLU and Standing Rock so it was the perfect opportunity to buy their Blue Tansy resurfacing mask. I haven't tried it yet, but isn't it so pretty to look at? I had a mini photoshoot with it and am honestly just looking for an excuse to share some of the photos.

P.s it's currently 20% off at dermstore thanks to their friends & family sale!

7. SNL
In our current political climate all I can think of is that episode of 30 Rock where the fictional Republican Vice Presidential nominee is a total ass-hat and happens to look exactly like Tracy. Liz swears she won't write any lines for him... and she doesn't need to. The governor's actions are so moronic that all Tracy has to do is repeat them and it's comedy gold. If you've never watched 30 Rock, you're probably very confused. To get un-confused, go watch the episode called "Governor Dunston."

Fast forward a few years and we're in the same exact place. First we had Alec Baldwin as Trump, Beck Bennet as Putin, and the Grim Reaper as Bannon. Now we have Melissa McCarthey as Sean Spicer and I think she's my favorite yet. While reality sucks, comedy is at an all time high! I can't wait to see what they come up with on tonight's show!

If you watched it yet, here's the skit from last week where Melissa does the most dead-on Sean Spicer impression ever. And if you have watched it already, watch it again!

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Sharmili Rbeauty, weekend edit