weekend edit

Stuffed & Fried Olives
I hate olives. They're smell and squishy and all around unpalatable. An olive on a slice of pizza or in a salad makes the entire dish inedible for me.  But when I was in Florence my brother convinced me to try these stuffed and fried olives that he had bought off a street cart and I was befuddled-- how could those little morsels of deliciousness be olives?!

Now I'm determined to remake the magic. I've found a few recipes to try out, including this one from Saveur. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can find one that's just as scrumptious!

olives recipe, florentine olives, italian olives recipe, fried olives, stuffed olives, cooking olives

100 Days of Fonts- 100daysoffonts.com
There are two types of people in this world. Those who know way too much about fonts and those who don't give a fuck about the difference between Verdana and Tahoma. I definitely fall into the first category.

While on the hunt for font inspo for the blog, I stumbled across the 100 days of font site. The author, Do-Hee Kim, designed graphics using various Google fonts for 100 days. And each and every one is visually stunning. If you're looking for some font inspo or just get a thrill from seeing aesthetically appealing font combinations definitely click through.

Blogging Schedule Fail
At the start of the month I told myself that I would be a more organized blogger. I wrote down a set of goals for the month and half heartedly tried to use an editorial calendar. Perhaps a digital calendar would be an improvement?

While my blogging schedule has improved from prior months, I didn't manage to hit the goals I set for myself. The biggest problem I had was with shooting outfits. For every 5 outfits that I get photos for, maybe 2 of them end up on the blog. Mostly because they're taken in a hurry after I nag one of my family members to help me out. While taking my own outfit photos has a much higher success rate, it's also a lot more time consuming (and a lot more awkward.)

Most of the time I end up editing my photos and writing my copy either the night before or the morning of the post. It's too much for me to hope to be one of those people who schedules 2 weeks in advance, but I wish I could manage to schedule them perhaps 2 or 3 days ahead.

If anyone has tips on keeping a schedule for blogging or being a more consistent blogger, please share!

Color Crave
Around the same time every year, I get bit by the boho bug. And the time has come. I want bell sleeved tops, brightly printed dresses, and strappy sandals. I'm tired of wearing all black for months on end (not that I couldn't go for an all black outfit now and then.) I need some color in my life!

The red zara shoes I featured in my previous post is the perfect starting piece for my revived spring wardrobe. Next up I'm thinking of adding some brightly colored dresses (that are also kind to food-babies ;).)

When I want to dip my toes in the warm weather clothing pool, I always reach for a dress because they're the easiest piece to transition for me. While it's a bit chillier, I can easily grab a cardigan or jacket to warm myself up. And when the sun comes out to play, I can ditch the outer layer and slip on some sandals. Easy as pie.