kinda sorta not really

tank: theory, shorts: urban outfitters, cardigan: urban outfitters, sandals: free people

So I'm kinda, sorta, not really back. While I am done with finals, hallelujah, I still have an exam to go. Let's just say it's like taking the SATs over again... but worse.

To the outfit at hand, I'd say it fits my usual modus operandi. I've been digging the whole long coat/ cardigan thing that seems to come around every festival season. Luckily I still have some kaftans buried somewhere in my closet at home from previous summers. Till then, this one I bought from urban a few weeks ago has been my go to. Stylish, and practical so that I'm not too cold in the library and not to hot outdoors.

P.s thanks for everyone's well wishes from the last post! If you happen to have exams too, good luck!