back east

dress: monki via asos, bag: cambridge satchel company, shoes: birkenstocks

Well hello there, people of the blogosphere. It's been yet another week since I've blogged last. I'll place the blame for that on my laptop, which suddenly broke while I was on a stopover in Austin last week.  Actually, right after I posted my last blogpost. 

Since then, I've dropped my laptop off at the Apple store and sadly have not gotten it back yet. Instead I've been using my dad's laptop for the time being, and holy crap, I hate windows 8. There aren't enough words to describe my dislike of this thing. Accidentally opening up the dashboard looking thing and the never ending list of pointless apps is inevitable, and half the time when I try to scroll I lose my desktop. Basically, it's the absolute worst. 

As I'm leaving for India later today, my posting schedule for the next month is up in the air. But before I leave here's a post from 'Merica. NYC to be specific. It's crazy to think that this was the first time I was there in 6 months-- as I always squeeze in a trip when I'm home. The day was spent walking around downtown, from Soho to Chinatown. As many times I've been to the city, there are so many areas that I've never ventured into. Or that I've never ventured into at an age I could remember it by.

While I haven't gotten around to editing all the photos... here are some that I took throughout the day. Oh, and thanks to my friend for taking the photo of me (as seen above) near the Brooklyn Bridge.

(This first one is of black sugar milk tea, which I tried on a whim-- and it's so tasty! If you ever see it, try it. Its taste is pretty unique)