debbie thornberry

dress + peasant top: urban outfitters, shoes: birkenstock

It was ridiculously hot this weekend, so slip on sandals and clothes that breath were crucial for enjoying the weather. There's nothing comfortable about gazing up at clear skies and never-ending sunshine while sweating and panting away. Along with the theme of "Let the Sunshine In," I let free my inner hippie.... sartorially. I definitely don't have it in my to embody the free-living souls of the 60s, or really of any generation. 

Completely unrelated, random, life tid-bit: last week in my life sciences class, we completed a mtDNA sequencing lab (mtDNA= mitochondrial DNA; to read more about what this is, how it works, why it's preferred over nuclear DNA, etc. click here). According to the current database, I was linked to people of Japanese and Finnish descent, and belong to haplogroup W. After doing some research I learned that some Northern Indians belong to the W haplogroup, so personal paradigm shift avoided. In addition, I learned only about 1-2% of the world's population belongs to haplogroup W, so I felt like a pretty unique snowflake.