black friday

sweatshirt: league for UCLA, jeans: genetic denim, boots: arturo chiang, jacket: barney's co-op, infinity scarf: INC international concepts 

Quick photo before grabbing fro yo!

Happy beginning to the holiday shopping season! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I woke up at 6 AM to hit up the mall, but didn't find much success, sadly. Since I didn't bring a full on suitcase for my mini trip, I don't have many clothing options. I found these jeans and scarf hiding in my closet, it's always fun discovering things you forgot you had in your closet. The sweatshirt is a present I bought for my brother last year. Basically, nothing I am wearing was in my suitcase-- besides for my coat. I'd like to think of this outfit as a cross between feeling cozy and lazy, but not wanting to opt for sweatpants and uggs. Unfortunately, I bought NO CLOTHES today-- what a travesty. But I did order online these zara booties that are kind of old but I have wanted forever. It feels odd wearing so many layers, guess I'm just preparing for winter break!!

blurry picture of Thanksgiving dinner in the process of being set up

dad + turkey+ uncle